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Sunday, January 25, 2015

School Libraries: Function or Fashion?

In my observations in various school libraries in Cache Valley, I've noticed a pretty big disconnect between the atmosphere of elementary school libraries and secondary school libraries. For example, many elementary school libraries are visually stimulating, comfy, and all around fun places to be:

Photo from Flickr

On the other hand, secondary schools seem to emphasize function over fashion:

Photo from Flickr

But why can't we have both? Studies have shown that students are more likely to hang out in libraries that they feel comfortable in, and as more and more students use the library as a place to hang out, circulation goes up. If we can get more books into the hands of our students by making the environment of our libraries more comfortable and colorful, shouldn't that be one of our top priorities?

I think it should. I would love to have a colorful, modern library full of bean bags and comfy couches. And I would love a library that is clean and organized, where anyone can find exactly what they are looking for. And I think the students would love it too!

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